$350.00 USD

Ceremonial Breathwork Journey (private session)

[This is a private ceremonial somatic breathwork journey]

Erin works with a powerful somatic healing modality, called Flow Breathwork, used to access expanded states of consciouses while simultaneously unlocking repressed emotions and clearing stagnant energy from the mind, body and spirit.


We combine ancient breathwork, movement, energy healing, the elements, and embodiment. Our session is an intentionally curated ceremony that includes heart opening cacao, channeled guidance from Erin and hands on energy healing if desired. 

This form of somatic healing works WITH both the masculine & feminine energies in the body. Drop into this artfully curated space and allow your body to liberate herself from the inside out.

Your breathwork ceremony is 2 hours long & held at the Healing Tree Collective in Tempe AZ .