Read thoroughly before purchasing Breathwork Journey
Breathwork is an experiential practice and self-healing modality that uses conscious, connected breathing to access expanded states of consciousness while simultaneously unlocking repressed emotions and clearing stagnant energy from the mind, body and spirit.
During a conscious connected breathwork journey with us, you are intentionally increasing your oxygen levels, and altering your brain wave state, so as to access a level of deeper insight into thy self. As we affect our breath consciously, we are activating the parasympathetic nervous system, allowing our body to feel safe to open and meet these deeper layers of our psyche. We are also slowing the brain waves and entering the Theta Brain wave state (similar to the experience of hypnosis), thus allowing us to access what lives beyond the conscious mind, in the subconscious.
The type of breathwork we practice falls under the umbrella of conscious connected breathwork. This is a term that means we consciously affect the breath with a specific breath pattern that omits the pause between exhale and inhale. This can result in some psychological changes in the body that will be reviewed prior to your session.
This work is completely safe, deeply healing and profoundly transformational. Our goal is integrity, safety and the honoring of the sacredness of this work-- please read below as we have outlined the contraindications for CCB….
If you fall under any of these contraindications, you are *not* a candidate for the full breathwork journey. We are happy to discuss a modified, gentler Breathwork with you for a later date. Please do not continue to book a session if you have any of these contraindications. You are welcome to email us at [email protected] to discuss a more gentle alternative.
- Pregnancy (at any stage)
- Severe PTSD or trauma
- Actively using recreational drugs
- Taking any medication that alters brain chemistry like anti-anxiety, anti-depressant, ADD, OCD medications, etc.
- Detached Retina
- Glaucoma
- Kidney disease
- High Blood Pressure
- Cardiovascular disease, including angina, previous heart attack or stroke
- Diagnosis of aneurysm of any kind
- Uncontrolled thyroid conditions
- Diabetes (any type)
- Severe Asthma— for mild to moderate asthma, we can discuss but you must bring your inhaler to the session
- Epilepsy
- History of Seizures
- Prior diagnosis of bipolar disorder, schizophrenia or previous psychiatric condition
- Severe psychosomatic disorders
- Recent surgery, stitches or injury
- Any other medical, psychiatric or physical conditions which would impair or affect ability to engage in any activities that involve deep physical and/or emotional release
By continuing, you are confirming that you do not have any contraindications as listed above.
Note that Spiritual, emotional work, Breathwork, somatic movement healing and any other form of integrative/holistic healing should not serve as a substitute for medical advise from your doctor or qualified clinician. This is not therapy, or a psychiatric diagnosis or treatment. Anyone interested in breathwork is also responsible for seeking the specific medical or psychiatric attention they need, should they need it.
The information available is intended solely for informational purposes. It is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease or condition. For any medical advise, individuals should consult a qualified health care provider.
You further agree to participate in Conscious Connected Breathwork of your own choosing, with Soul Naked Somatics You accept full responsibility for your own physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. You realize and choose to hold harmless Soul Naked Somatics and all affiliates. By clicking continue you agree.